I have felt inspired this past month.
Blame it on the new year.
Blame it on not being satisfied with my norm.
But gosh darn, I have been inspired to do things.
1. Family History
I have always grimaced at this word. It has always seemed like a daunting task (still does). But if anyone knows our bishop, you'll know that he lives and breathes this stuff. He's retired and spends most his days at the family history center. Anytime he speaks, somehow he ends up on the subject. So I have been feeling like I should give it a try. I've attempted to work on it before, with not much progress or hope. But a couple of months ago, our current family history consultants (is that the correct name for their calling?) spoke in church, and they offered to come and help anyone. SO I finally made the call and just this afternoon sat down with Ingrid. She gave me a 'to do' list to start. Basically, you want to leave your kids with the necessary documents in order (i.e. birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.). I can do that.
2. Blogging
When I get online, it's primarily to read blogs, not to shop, watch shows, or get on facebook (which is an excellent movie btw). It's my way of staying in touch with all of you out there. I just want to do it more. I always think of things to blog about, but never put forth the time to post. Well, no more!
3. Mind is drawing a blank
I guess that was about it, I can't think of what else I've been inspired to do. Must not have been very inspirational.
p.s. personal side note: thanks for coming to visit marie. We loved having you and Brody here. I'll post some pics soon!