We are down to the final weeks before our baby Audrey (yes this is the name, and no we have not meant to name our children after famous actors, we just happened to like those names) is born. As most of you know, the last couple of weeks of pregnancy are not only the hardest, but usually the slowest. In my case, this past week went by way too fast. My baby sister and her little boy, Brody came to visit. It was so great to have them, to have someone to hang out with each day and watch my kids play and adore their little cousin. Marie was kind enough to bring the heat from Utah, so we were constantly trying to keep cool. Going to the beach helped and on Friday we found a cool park, with a fun splash pad (this is the only time I remembered to bring the camera). Thanks again Marie and Brody for coming and helping me get through these last couple of weeks. And thanks for taking the heat back...my swollen feet thank you as well!
Summer Highlight
6 years ago
Do we get a full view shot of your belly before your due?
Seriously! Where is the baby bump?!!! And I totally thought your sister was you! :)
How fun to have visitors! I want a belly shot too. Also, if you have your baby before me.... we can't be friends anymore :)
Good luck with the last leg of pregnancy. Looks like you are all enjoying California. We miss you!
We had a blast as well! Thanks for having us there! What cute pics of Brody you have! I need to get those from you somehow! Well I am so glad you are back to the normal weather! I wish I could have been there for that! Oh well! Can't wait to see Audrey soon! :) Love you!
so cute so glad to be seeing you and your kids soon!!!
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