We finally have our little boy! Here are some of the quick facts:
Name: Clark Andrew
DOB: 10.31.07
Weight: 8 lbs. 1 oz.
Length: 20 inches
Time: 4:21pm

Here are the somewhat long details of the birth: We were scheduled to be induced on the 31st. But I was so sure that he would come a early and on his own that I wasn't worried of having a baby on Halloween and having to wait so long! Boy, was I wrong! We ended up at the hospital early on Wednesday morning to be induced. The problem was, I expected everything to go as smoothly as Grace's birth. But Andy and I
quickly learned that every child and birth is not the same! Anyway, I ended up having a C-section since I wasn't progressing and Clark's heart rate kept on dropping. After the operation, I was so happy just to have him out and to know that he was healthy! We are still here in the hospital, but expecting to come home tomorrow. The recovery process is still far from over, but I'm already feeling 100 times better than I did yesterday.
And Clark, well he is already off to a great start! He is a great eater and sleeper. What more could a mother ask for?! And he's perfect!
And Grace, she has been such a trooper through out this whole new brother thing! I was worried the longer stay at the hospital would be hard on her, but she's been patient. However, I think she is ready and looking forward to when mom and Clark can come home. And so am I!
DOB: 10.31.07
Weight: 8 lbs. 1 oz.
Length: 20 inches
Time: 4:21pm
Here are the somewhat long details of the birth: We were scheduled to be induced on the 31st. But I was so sure that he would come a early and on his own that I wasn't worried of having a baby on Halloween and having to wait so long! Boy, was I wrong! We ended up at the hospital early on Wednesday morning to be induced. The problem was, I expected everything to go as smoothly as Grace's birth. But Andy and I
And Clark, well he is already off to a great start! He is a great eater and sleeper. What more could a mother ask for?! And he's perfect!
And Grace, she has been such a trooper through out this whole new brother thing! I was worried the longer stay at the hospital would be hard on her, but she's been patient. However, I think she is ready and looking forward to when mom and Clark can come home. And so am I!
oh wow! That is so exciting. I am so happy for you all. Glad everything ended up going well with the labor. He looks just perfect. Take care!
Congratulations! You baby is so cute and Grace is darling too. Good luck! I just do not recommend sit ups for LONGER than 8 weeks, haha!
Congratulations! I'm glad everything ended up ok. He is so cute! I'm sure Grace will be a great helper!
Congrats! He is so cute! Can't wait to see him and hold him at Christmas. Good Luck with recovery!
CONGRATULATIONS! He is beautiful! We miss you guys a lot! I wish you were closer so I could hold that baby!
I'll say it again! He really looks perfect! I hope everything went well and that you were able to go home yesterday. I'm also glad you got a shot of Clark with the hat off. That is still quite a bit of hair. Good luck with your recovery and transition to the second child. If you hear of good tips to help the older one transition let me know. Jared's doing pretty good but we are definitely going through a transition!
Congrats! He is DARLING!!!!!
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